How should you plant trees around your
home for the greatest benefit?
SCOTT: “Trees save the most energy when planted on the east and west
sides of a house. If you can plant only one tree, remember that ‘west is
best’ to shade the home during the hottest part of the day. Trees on the
south side of a house won’t save much because in summer the sun is too
high to be blocked by most trees. And in winter, when the sun is lower,
those trees can block the sun from warming the home.”
Large trees take
years to mature,
any way to reduce
bills in the short term?
DAN: “The best thing to do
while you wait for large trees to
grow is to plant smaller, fast-
growing trees that will shade
your air-conditioning unit. That
can increase cooling efficiency
as much as 10 percent.”
SCOTT: “Here’s another thing:
If you have trees growing close
to the south side of your home,
consider pruning off the lower
branches to allow more
sunlight to come through
during the winter. Not every
tree is suitable for this, so
consult a certified arborist.
How do
V l r • you choose
appropriate trees?
DAN: “In general, we
recommend large shade trees.
Some of the best species include
oaks and maples, but it depends
on your climate.”
SCOTT: “That’s right.
Deciduous trees are more solar-
friendly because they provide
shade in the summer and allow
the warming sun to heat a
home in winter.
DAN: “If you go to
a rb o rd a y .o rg
you’ll see a Hardiness Zone
map and a guide to trees that
are best suited to your area.”
To find more trees for
your climate, go to
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dry mouth, constipation, decreased
appetite and sleepiness. This is not
a complete list of side effects.
See back of next page for
additional Important Safety
Information, including Boxed
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